भेड़ पालन और उनके फायदे

In India, Sheep are among the most efficient of all the domestic animals and have been for thousands of years. Usually sheep farming is defined as ‘rearing sheep commercially for the purpose of meat, milk and wool production’.

Sheep with its multi-facet utility for wool, meat, milk, skins and manure, form a crucial part of rural economy particularly in the arid, semi-arid and mountainous areas of our country. It provides a dependable source of income to the small farmers through sale of wool, skin and animals.

Large percentage of small and marginal farmers and landless labourers engaged in sheep rearing, mainly in hilly areas for their livelihood. It is among the traditional occupations and business of the people of some areas of our country.  However, sheep farming for commercial milk production is not very popular, mainly it is good for meat and wool production.

Different from cattle and swine, sheep are adapted to the most extreme environmental conditions. They are very agile and graze easily in the most rugged of mountain terrain, where cattle choose not to feed. Furthermore, some sheep breeds are well suited to survive on sparse desert range that would not be used otherwise.

Thus, sheep have the ability to convert the natural forage of these extreme habitats into protein which is mainly used by humans. Sheep farming is a profitable business and good source of income and for eradicating poverty from the barren, desert, semiarid and mountainous areas.

Advantages of Sheep Farming

  • Sheep farming requires less capital for establishment.
  • They do not need expensive buildings to house them and on the other hand require less labour than other types of livestock.
  • Farmers can also raise them with other livestock which requires less space for rearing.
  • The foundation stock of sheep is relatively cheap and the size of herd will enhance within a short period of time.
  • Sheep can eat different kinds of plants compared to other types of livestock; so they are very useful for cleaning unwanted plants from field.
  • They can also survive by consuming low-quality grass and efficiently convert it into meat and wool.
  • Sheep are basically grazers, so very rarely they destroy trees as compared to goats.
  • The production of wool, meat and manure provides three different sources of income to small farmers.
  • The structure of their lips helps them to clean grains lost at harvest time and thus convert waste feed into profitable products.
  • They are very hardy animal, and can easily adapt themselves with mostly all types of environment.
  • Sheep requires a minimum amount of supplemental feeding and can provide a quick return on investment.
  • Mutton is quite popular in India. Therefore, Commercial sheep farming can be a great source of earning and employment by proper care and management.

Some common disadvantages of sheep farming

Some common complications can occur in sheep farming business, like protecting sheep from predators, housing arrangement, protection from the cold weather, diseases etc.

Among these problems, predators and diseases harm the sheep most. Hence, making suitable fence for protection of sheep and proper timely vaccination of diseases is very important.

External parasites can create health problems, so removal of ectoparasite from sheep body should be done in regular interval. Proper feeding of sheep during breeding season is also useful in increasing the herd size.

Managemental practices for Sheep Farming

Proper Planning:

Gathering of all information and Proper planning before starting a commercial sheep farming business enhances the success rate of business. A proper plan should be prepared before starting any business and then follow it accordingly through some step by step process. 

Suitable Farm Location:

Essential facilities for raising sheep like a good clean and fresh water source, adequate amount of greens, good medication, transportation and proper marketing are the requirements for starting commercial business. Therefore, one must always keep in mind the above things while selection of land for business.

Quality Breeds:

Quality breed purchasing is one of the most essential factor for foundation flock of sheep used for commercial purpose. Various sheep breeds are available in our country but selection of sheep breeds should be based on their adaptability in that particular area.

Local breeds proliferate very efficiently, resistant from disease and are easily available from local breeders.

Basic Housing:

Interestingly, sheep doesn’t require expensive housing and raising them with other livestock animals is easy, in small scale production. For commercial production, proper separate and suitable houses are required for them.

Their house should be suitable enough to keep them safe from adverse weather as well as harmful predators. An adult sheep requires about 20 square feet floor space and roof must be at least 6 feet high from the floor with a good ventilation system.

House should be clean and dry with enough air and light inside the house provided with proper drainage system.


Proper feeding of sheep is a necessity for growth and maximum production. High quality and nutritious feed like all types of grasses, plants and corns keeps them healthy, productive and diseases free. Also, adequate amount of clean and fresh water should be provided.

Strong Fence:

Suitable fence around the pasture should be made, if sheep are allowed to graze on the pasture. A wire or woven fence must be strong enough, so that they can stay safe inside.


Vaccination of sheep should be done at regular interval of time, especially before rainy season which will prevent them from various types of diseases. Proper medication of sheep is also required for ectoparasite, endoparasite and diseased animals.


Evaluation of local market is very important for commercial sheep farming business. Good transportation services and roads plays a crucial role in enhancing the business. Sheep products have a good demand in the international market.

Hence, there is an opportunity to earn foreign currencies by exporting sheep products. This will also directly increase national income. The poor people can earn some extra income by rearing sheep in small scale. 


Anjali1, Gururaj VK1, Manoj Tripathi2

Division of Physiology and Climatology

ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izzatnagar-243122, India

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